Historic Homes of Longmeadow

492 Longmeadow Street (#14 The David Hale House -1810)

The date this house was built is not known with any certainty. It appears to have been originally in the Greek Revival style with some modifications later. The earliest positive record of the house is 1867 when the estate of David Hale was sold to Michael Kinney. David Hale was born in 1801 and some records suggest that the house may have been built as early as 1810.  Michael Kinney was a farmer and farmed the surrounding lands which are now part of Bay Path College. Kinney's descendants owned the house for fifty-five years unti1 1922.  In 1965 Bay Path College purchased the property and it has been used as a nursery school, a dormitory, and currently as administrative space.

[Photo contributed by Chris Hall]
[Text reprinted with permission from The Historic Homes of Longmeadow
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