Historic Homes of Longmeadow

702 Longmeadow Street (#28 The Roderick Burnham House -1845)

This house, built in 1845, reflects the Gothic Revival period. Originally a wooden structure stood on this site. It burned to the ground on June 27,1845, as a result of a chimney fire (see Republican newspaper article for details). The present house is built on that original foundation. The Burnharns were prominent citizens who loved to entertain lavishly. They had two children, both of whom died young. Their son Howard served in the Civil War. He was killed at the battle of Chickamauga. The present house, often referred to as the "Brownstone Villa", is built of sandstone from the quarries in East Longmeadow. The exterior walls are one and a half to two feet thick. In 1916 the south wing was added.

[Photo contributed by Rachel Port]
[Text reprinted with permission from The Historic Homes of Longmeadow
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