Historic Homes of Longmeadow

1028 Longmeadow Street (#62 The Captain Gideon Colton Chapman House ~ 1795-6)
1028 Longmeadow Street
(#62 The Captain Gideon Colton Chapman House 1795-6)

A beautiful old Georgian home, this house was built by Captain Gideon Colton in 1795-6. It was one of the best houses of its time. Captain Colton took great pride in his home, loving to recount that the beams were cut from his own hillside, a slow process in those days. The care taken in construction is evident even today in the beauty of the woodwork and the wide one-board wainscot of the rooms. The ell and front porch represent the changes made in 1890 when Charles Birnie bought the property. The front door has fluted columns, Grecian pediment, and a large fan light. The beautiful upstairs hall window is part of the original house. It is of interest to compare this house with the Alexander Field House (#8) that is also Late Georgian in style.  Detailed architectural drawings of this home were made in the 1930's and are currently housed at the Library of Congress in Washington DC.

[Photo contributed by Chris Hall]
[Text reprinted with permission from The Historic Homes of Longmeadow
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