Historic Homes of Longmeadow

1443 Longmeadow Street (#69 The Israel Colton House -1776)

The Israel Colton house is of a central chimney design with six fireplaces and two bake ovens. It was built in 1776.  The only extent Longmeadow house built as the Revolutionary War was beginning. The South parlor is finished on one end with raised panelling and early moldings. The North parlor, completed around 1790, is plastered and has moldings that are distinctly Federal in style. The floor boards throughout the house are very wide, as are the wall boards in the borning room, keeping room, and buttery. Some particularly rare features are the exterior double overhang, the fireplace and bake oven in the cellar that date from the early 1700's, and some stenciling in the front hall from about 1810. There is much evidence indicating that this house, although original to this site, was built on a much earlier foundation.

[Photo contributed by Chris Hall]
[Text reprinted with permission from The Historic Homes of Longmeadow
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