Historic Homes of Longmeadow

56 Williams Street (#79 The Merriam-Dumon-Moynihan House - Circa 1855)

This house is built in the classic Greek Revival style with a gable facing the street, columns at the corner and symmetrical windows with blinds. The fireplace features a bake oven. The house was built circa 1855 by Homer Merriam, brother of the founders of G&C Merriam Publishing Company. It was sold in 1864 to Leon Dumon and has remained in his family ever since. The land was farmed until the 1940's but the original barn that stood behind the house has been removed. The house was renovated and an addition was made by the present owners.

[Photo contributed by Chris Hall]
[Text reprinted with permission from The Historic Homes of Longmeadow
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