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This week I am including a special article by my friend and neighbor, Cindy Solin. We both live in Forest Acres, a.k.a. The Kibbe Tract, and our homes date from the 1930s-1940s. The houses are well built, charming and the kitchens were very out-of-date. Cindy has some words of wisdom to share concerning contractors, and I needed to hear them because we are contemplating major renovations as well. As in any relationship, chemistry is important but trust is a necessary component. Here is Cindys advice:
We loved our house but hated our kitchen. Like many others in town, we decided to take the plunge into home renovation. Hiring and working with a contractor is the most fundamental part of the process. Therefore, I would like to offer my words of advice for those of you who have renovation in your future.
Meet at least a few contractors when you get serious about starting the project. With each contractor, you should assess how comfortable you feel with both his ideas and his interpersonal style. His concept of the project should match and enhance yours. A short but intense relationship develops; you need to be able to be open and honest, and trust that he will listen to you. Ask for references and REALLY talk with previous customers about what they liked and disliked. While money is always an important consideration when deciding whom to hire, it is a huge mistake to base this decision primarily on the lowest bid. In the end, you want an expert builder with a good network of skillful subcontractors who keep the schedule. Subcontractors work in sequence and actually do a majority of the work. The quality and speed of your project completely hinges on your contractors ability to orchestrate the subs and vigilantly oversee the quality of their work. Many contractors have project managers who actually run the job, and your involvement with the guy you hire may be minimal once the project is underway. Ask each contractor who will run your project, and once you hire someone expect at least one solid planning meeting with both contractor and project manager.
No matter how much advance planning you do, you will be surprised at how many decisions you still have to make along the way. Do not leave town! Invariably problems arise that require discussion and resolution. Keep yourself accessible and be explicit that you want to be involved in anything that involves change from the original plan. From day one, you need to walk a fine line between having a firm clear vision, and being open to advice from professionals who have done hundreds of projects similar to yours. Good communication is critical. Sometimes they dont get it and you have to persist about what is important to you. Sometimes you dont get it. Even the best builders have their own agenda: they have a schedule to keep, or they do not want to revisit an issue which will cause a change or more work from them. Exercise your assertiveness, ask questions whenever you are not sure about something, and do not settle prematurely if you are unhappy with any part of the project. This might sound simple and self evident, but it is easy to feel intimidated by the process. Have regularly scheduled meetings with your contractor or the project manager, and keep a running list of issues you need to review with him. For added measure, bring Starbucks coffee. Ultimately you are responsible for making sure you get what you want!
We survived the end of the 1900s! It was a memorable New Years Eve with our family; even our four-year-old made it to 12:30! I hope he will remember the big event someday in the future.
The slate has been wiped clean and now each of us has a chance for a fresh start. Whatever we did wrong in the last century can be totally forgotten, and we can change our ways for the new century. Remember folks that this year 2000 is a transition year, the new millenium really does not start until January 1, 2001 . a.k.a. 01-01-01. So, come clean for the new century and get all that unfinished business straightened out before December 31, 2000.
There was no crisis to speak of in Longmeadow. Everything still looks the same; people still act the same. As an afterthought, I bought a big jug of water (so would not die of thirst) but the electricity, computer and even my cheep-o alarm clock still worked when I woke up the date read 1-1-00!
Time is meaningless anyway. The world keeps getting smaller, yet the more things change the more they stay the same. Time has passed, but with old friends, it feels like nothing has changed at all! As David Bowie said "Time can change me, but I cant change time" Life is a journey and we do not even realize how fast time is moving. Each day is full and rich when we live in the moment. We really do not know where life will lead us, but time will tell. Time will fly; yet, we must appreciate every moment as it flows along. I really do not feel much older, but my children are growing. They are a constant reminder of life moving ahead. My advice: Appreciate the people around you and take lots of pictures!
January 20, 2000
It is hard to get anything done when you have small children! I have finally graduated from the University of Diapers, ear aches, three a.m. wake-up calls and temper tantrums. Now I have only four years until I have a teenager, so I may as well make the most of it! It is time to explore the area. Where is Longmeadow, anyway? What is around here?
Last year I went to the Mark Twain house in Hartford. It is worth a visit to see the architecture, the Victorian interiors, and fabulous furnishings! Was Twain really the person who said, "Dont put off until tomorrow what you can put off until the day after tomorrow."? I would never get anything accomplished if I looked at life that way!
Everyone remembers those college roommates who pulled all-nighters before a big exam, or wrote a complete term paper the day before it was due. Stop putting everything off make Y2K the year to start over. Make your New Years resolutions real, and turn them into goals you can reach!
Longmeadow High Schools Kristen Sunter wrote the following poem in her school publication "Impressions". She is a member of the class of 2000. I have been thinking about her poem ever since I first read it last June, but I did not get around to printing it until now.
We would like to give an invitation
For our new Procrastination Association.
We meant to send these out three months ago-
We couldnt find the paper, so they didnt go.We have held a meeting to discuss
The goals to make for all of us.
We wanted meetings on Tuesday last-
By the time we came the time has passedSome members have agreed to standardize
An information blurb to publicize,
But they have said that two years running-
We think that bulletins coming.Others wanted members to submit
Quotes and such for this leaflet.
The Yearbook needs to take some pictures here-
And if were lucky theyll be in next year.We thought to do a project, gaining some clout,
But no one needs more slackers hanging out.
We tried to get a fundraiser off the ground-
But to planning- well- we never got around.Elections will be in a while, we say.
Probably our speeches will be the next day.
If you are ever free from now til June,
We are sure to have that meeting sometime soon.We had voted on a motto to maintain.
We think it must have been a quote from Twain.
"Dont put off until tomorrow
What you can put off until the day after tomorrow."Someone thought of Latin quotes
We then had many subsequent votes.
Our new motto Spanish people speak-
"Tomorrow is the busiest day of the week."A final thought to those of you
Who need a cause to join a group:
Procrastination Associations
Look good on college applications.December 30, 1999
DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS With all the fuss these days, with Thanksgiving, Hanukah and Christmas, one after the other I find it hard to keep up with December birthdays. My little niece turns four on December 23, and it is hard to give her birthday celebration the attention it deserves. Her mom usually gives her a party a few weeks early, so the event does not get lost with the Christmas festivities.
Jesus has a birthday celebration on December 25, but he did not celebrate Christmas so it was not a problem in the old days. Why cant the kids who have December birthdays have a party during another time of the year when it is less busy? In my daughters pre-school, her teacher came up with the idea of celebrating "un-birthdays." All children who had summer birthdays have to pick a day during the school year to bring cupcakes to school and sing happy birthday. Those summer birthdays are almost as inconvenient as those December birthdays!
I think the biggest problem with birthdays is the problem these days with school preparedness! If a child is born in October, November or December, then the parents think they should leave the child back. How can parents decide what to do? The teachers have an opinion, the parents may have another opinion, and other peoples parents have opinions too! It is especially hard for the oldest children, because the parents do not have experience and are often in a quandary because of conflicting advice!
The real problem occurs when you move from state to state. In New York, the cut off is November 30. In Ohio the cut-off was late October, and often the dates shift from town to town. In Longmeadow, the date is officially Dec 31, but several parents I know decide to delay their childs entry into kindergarten or first grade even if the child is born in the summer. The date may even change in this town. There is no clear-cut answer! There seems to be a trend in many towns, and in my hometown back in New York to hold the kids back if there is any doubt at all! Is it better to be the oldest kid in a grade or is it O.K. to be the youngest? Luckily, we did not have to deal with the issue because our kids were both born in February.
Why is February the perfect month? Well, February is usually a boring, cold month. We always make a big deal about Valentines day, and it is nice to have Presidents week off, but otherwise there is not much going on except storms and snow. This year it is especially nice to look forward to having both kids birthdays early in the New Year. There are things they have asked for, and the manufacturers did not make enough of certain toys. I have found myself saying, we tried to find it but the stores were out of it ..maybe Santa will be able to find it. If Santa cannot find it, maybe the stores will re-stock their shelves before February!
December 23, 1999
PERFECT GIFT Everyone is talking about holiday preparations and shopping for gifts these days! There never is enough time to get it all done, and get everything wrapped and ready for the guests. The number one gift for Longmeadow residents is surely the Longmeadow afghan, which is being sold by the Friends of Storrs Library. This beautiful 100% washable cotton blanket comes in three colors, dusty blue, dark green or black. I got one last June during the Long Meddowe Days Celebration as a gift, and I use it every day when reading.
Who wants to receive this afghan ? In addition to Hanukah and Christmas gifts, it is perfect for birthday gifts, college students, snow birds, newcomers or families leaving town, teacher gifts, retirement gifts and even as a wedding gift. The possibilities are endless, and proceeds from the sale will benefit our local library.
Local resident Dick Curran of R. Curran Designs, Inc. assisted in the layout and design of the afghans, which are manufactured in North Carolina. Colony Hills residents will notice the unique cast-iron lampposts from their neighborhood framing the sides of the design. In the center are seven landmark buildings and the doorway from our town hall that was copied from the "Marchant" Samuel Colton home. The Meeting House, built in 1767 is featured in the middle of the design, with the Old Red House, The Storrs House, The Richard Salter Storrs Library, the Alexander Field House, The Old Junior High (now Center School), and the Community House surrounding the borders.
We live in a very historic and beautiful community and this gift is something special that most residents will want to have. The cost for the 50" x 65" afghan is $45 and can be purchased directly from Debbie Mack at 567-4365. The library has one displayed at the circulation desk, so please take a look!
December 16, 1999
MIXED BLESSINGS It was an extra special Thanksgiving this year! My 8-year-old daughter studied the pilgrims this fall, went to Plymouth on a class trip, and learned about her family history. We are living in the same state where her three Mayflower ancestors arrived almost 400 years ago. Religious freedom is still a valuable lesson to learn today, for adults as well as children. We should be thankful that we live in a country, state and town that is religiously diverse, and more tolerant than in past generations.
During the month of December, our family celebrates two holidays. Last year, due to timing, both celebrations were mixed. You may remember that for the first time in history that a menorah was lit in the city of Rome at St. Peters on Christmas Eve. Christianity is an outgrowth of Judaism, and it is good for all Jews and Christians to remember the similarities in their religions rather than focusing on differences.
Jesus was a Jewish man, a teacher, and some would call him a radical rabbi. My daughter wanted to know why the Catholic Church in town was named St. Marys. I explained that Mary was Jesus mother, and she said she knew that, but why did a Jewish woman have a church named after her? Good question, I thought.
It is hard to explain how and why people believe such different things concerning religion. Maybe it is more important to focus on what we have in common, and how we can celebrate together. Merry Chanukah and Happy Christmas to my friends and readers! Lets teach our kids to respect each others family traditions. Eventually there will be more Jewish Mayflower descendants like our children. She considers herself lucky to celebrate both holidays and be part of both groups. I think she is lucky too, and lucky to live in this town.
December 9, 1999
FOR BETTER OR WORSE Longmeadow is certainly a unique place. It is the quintessential small town located between Springfield and Hartford, very rich in history. The center of town, around the longest green in New England, is quite picturesque! Taking the historic walking tour of the old colonial architecture is much like experiencing a slice of history, a time capsule frozen in time. Sometimes my husband and I feel like we landed here from another planet. We had never heard of this place, but now we call it home and it suits us just fine for raising our family.
This is a quiet town. This is a through back to the places of my childhood. It reminds me of the suburban NYC area in the 60s and 70s. My kids go to school on their bikes and there is a great public library, playgrounds and clean parks, neighborhoods with sidewalks. My favorite stores are Kiddly-Winks, Brightwood Hardware, Kimmels, Longmeadow Flowers, Bliss Pharmacy and Rugged Bear. There is a wonderful Jewish Community Center, good schools, and lots of churches and synagogues an all-American family environment. It is the land of Friendlys and Yankee Candle to boot.
However, when we fall in love we take the good with the bad. No place is perfect. My gripes seem minor, compared to all that this place has to offer us. Nevertheless, here I go there is no bookstore, no bakery, and no village center with side streets to wander around. I would like to run into people on village-like setting while doing the daily errands, the way I would in places like Nantucket, Northampton or even West Hartford. When I arrived here my son was still in a stroller, and it was hard to shop with him because the shopping center is all parking lots!!!
Longmeadow is a beautiful leafy suburb, in the tradition of the British garden-communities surrounding London. Yet, there is room for improvement in the next century. Since the area was settled in 1644, it does not seem that there was ever a positive relationship with the city of Springfield. Both places turn their backs on each other
My husband Jason observes, in his infinite wisdom, "Longmeadow is a suburb with no urb!" He was born and raised in New York City and finds Springfield a city with untapped potential. The vitality of Northampton attracts us and we usually bring out-of-town visitors there for fun! Longmeadow is now our part of the universe and our familys home. We love New England and we are close enough to our families in New York to see them when we want to, but they do not drop in unexpectedly. So, here we are in this place enjoying the positive and dealing with the negative, for better or for worse.
December 2, 1999
SECRET O LIFE Well, its Thanksgiving time again, and it a time of togetherness and reflection. People are coming from far away to spend time with us! My sister and her family will visit from Chicago and an old friend will drive from Cleveland to share some good times. Friends and family, which is what this time of year is about.
I have been listening to old songs these days. My records from the 1970 s-1980s are still in boxes, but I am finally replacing the tunes on CDs, so I can hear my old favorites again. Words to songs that I heard a thousand times before suddenly have new meaning. Sometimes you cannot understand the lyrics to a song until you are ready to listen whole-heartedly. Maybe I am simply appreciating the messages I hear in the songs in a new light because I am older.
James Taylors song called Secret O Life talks about spending time together. Think about the lyrics and give thanks for the people in your life during this holiday season!
The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time
Any fool can do it
There aint nothing to it
Nobody knows how we got to
The top of the hill
But since were on our way down
We might as well enjoy the ride
The secret of love is in opening up your heart
Its okay to feel afraid
But dont let that stand in your way
Cause anyone knows that love is the only road
And since were only here for a while
Might as well show some style
Give us a smile
Isnt it a lovely ride
Sliding down
Gliding down
Try not to try too hard
Its just a lovely ride
Now the thing about time is that time
Isnt really real
Its just your point of view
How does it feel for you
Einstein said he could never understand it all
Planets spinning through space
The smile upon your face
Welcome to the human raceNovember 25, 1999
VOTE NOVEMBER 23 Remember to get to the Community House on Tuesday, November 23 and vote for the schools. There was overwhelming support for the school renovations at the last town meeting, but the important vote is next Tuesday. A majority vote is needed to get on the state-funding list as soon as possible. Time is of the essence! All residents who acknowledge the extent of the overcrowding must go to the polls anytime between 8 am and 8 p.m. to remedy the situation. The kids are here; it is our responsibility to teach them in an appropriate environment.
The mood all over this town has changed since last April. People seem much more aware of the true situation in the three elementary and two middle schools. Communication is better, but it is natural to be absorbed in our day to day problems .dont forget the importance of this vote! It will not pass unless everyone participates! The lack of space is obvious now, but we should have seen it coming a long time ago. Longmeadow attracts newcomers moving to the area from far and wide. The school system acts like a magnet. It was not until we had moved in that I realized that despite the fine reputation the excellent teaching staff was working with antiquated facilities and buildings with deferred maintenance.
Longmeadow is a wonderful community. Please come to the polls and support the renovations because the children are the future of Longmeadow.
November 18, 1999
JOHNNY APPLESEED When we were growing up, I vaguely remember hearing the name Johnny Appleseed. I never thought he was a real person, but I pictured a tall guy with a big basket of seeds sowing them in the fields. I am reminded of him each autumn. In Ohio and Kentucky, the story of Johnny Appleseed is taught in the pre-schools. When we lived out there our daughter Rachel enjoyed learning about this tale. He traveled in the mid-west giving out seeds and helping plant orchards; he was barefoot and carried a Bible they say. He made friends with the Indians.
Low and behold, when we got here in 1996 I learned that the real Johnny Appleseed himself grew up in Longmeadow!!!! I kid you not! John Chapman was born September 26, 1774 in Leominster, Ma. but moved to Longmeadow in 1780, when his dad remarried. His mother died before he was two. There is no actual proof that he lived here, but legend has it that he lived at 14 Fairfield Terrace with his ten siblings. The small yellow house, off Bliss Road, bears a sign with his name on it.
The apple trees he planted were important to the Ohio River Valley economy. When he went to Ohio, presumably in the late 1700s, New Englanders mostly from Connecticut were settling the area. If you know Ohio, there is definitely a New England feeling in the air. The people are open, friendly, and willing to share stories with you. Johnny always tried to be a few years ahead of the western migration, so the orchards would be established when the settlers got there.
When you are apple picking this fall, remember our local hero Johnny Appleseed and how he spread fruit seeds far and wide. There is a little bit of Longmeadow in the Midwest. He died long ago in 1845, but his story lives on.
November 4, 1999
TANGIBLE MEMORIES Soon after arriving in the Springfield area, my kids and I checked out Forest Park. In addition to the very special Bright Nights light show in December, it is a nice place to explore and wander around in any season. We found the Barney mausoleum on Laurel Hill near the newly restored carriage house. The local ice-skate magnate lost a son when he was in his 20s, back in the 1880s. The quote hit me as a poignant one: "To live on in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die."
That is exactly how I feel about my grandparents. I knew all four of them very well, and was closer to them than my friends were to their grandparents. My sister, brother and I were very lucky. Every October I think of my grandfather Carroll more than usual, because he died during this week in 1981. When I look at an oriental carpet, I think of him. Each time I wind my grandfathers clock, write at my slant top desk or read some history it is Grandpa Carroll that I am reminded of. His influence is everywhere and he is a part of me.
In my thoughts, I can still talk to him, and he speaks to me as I walk the old streets of Longmeadow. It is doubtful that he was ever here, but I imagine that he knew of this place. He knew everything about American History, was an expert on antiques, collected all kind of objects and told great stories. He would have enjoyed the old houses that line our town green and learning about the local war heroes. He especially would like to explore the burying ground behind the church, because he was into family history, and took us kids to several old cemeteries across New England. We learned about the various styles of gravestones, did grave rubbings and found ancestors. It was not a fascination with death, it was a serious love of history and his tales brought the past personalities to life. He took us to several historic homes and would have felt right at home in Storrs House.
I used to help families settle estates at Sothebys auction house in New York. After a death in the family, it is an extremely hard and emotional time. Selling the tangible assets is often necessary, as family members need to put the deceaseds house on the market, or divide funds to different children. I was there to listen to the memories, assist them in getting estimates and try to help them decide what to do. Each work of art, piece of furniture, book or piece of jewelry had a story. Those stories live on in the hearts of the survivors.
As I walk around Longmeadow, work in the garden, dust the antiques or play with the children I often think of my grandparents. I have been reading letters received from them over 20 years ago, which brings back images from the recesses of my mind. Each one of them is gone now, but I know they are still with me and sharing in the joy of my life now. There are reminders of them in each day, and in each child. I learned a silly tongue twister long ago, which puts it well; "Some things are hard to remember, some things are hard to forget, one thing you shouldnt forget to remember, is to remember not to forget."
October 1999
Every night I hear the evocative train whistle. The Amtrak train travels south and as it enters the area known as "The Longmeadow Flats" or "the meadows", the engineer blows the whistle several times. The low-lying area along the Connecticut River is a flood plain, and both I-91 and the track are hidden from view down there. I find it a little sad that the train does not stop here anymore, but it is nice to have a reminder that it still goes by. As we sit safely in our homes, in our private havens, it is a reminder of the past.
As most readers know, I am not from this local area. Upon arrival, here I was shocked that area residents could not easily take a train to Boston or Hartford. Those who commute to Beantown, or points North or South go via bus or car. When I go to NYC, I always drive because the train is a local one, making so many stops that it would take forever. I do not like to waste time. There is too much to accomplish in too limited a time! We may technically be part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but we are NOT part of the same world as those Boston folk! I would like to work in Boston but how would I get there?
In the era of the steam locomotive, the rain stopped in Longmeadow from 1845-1908. Commuters going to Springfield usually took the trolley but it only ran from 1896-1940. Sometimes I feel like this is "The Land That Time Forgot!" We are less connected than we used to be! Everyone drives cars and acts independently. How can we get around efficiently without high-speed rail, or at least a quick way in/out of Hartford? In the good old days, a traveler could take trolleys to Hartford, switch and end up in New Haven, or shore points, and even transfer to another trolley and go on to Manhattan.
Although I did not live here long ago (unless it was in a past life), I feel a connection to the sound of the train. It is like an old friend from childhood that is always with me. A reminder of the way things were in the past, evoking good memories of days gone by like being part of history. A stalwart friend never really does go away, he/she may pass you on another track, but the whistle means they are thinking of you.
The train is like a shadow or mysterious ghost.So I hear the train pass this town by the 10pm the 11:30 ,we feel protected in our cocoon of a town. Lets not let time pass us by. We can still be a historic town, but do we have to be cut off from civilization? I have said it before to many friends "This place is in a time warp!" Next year it will be the year 2000, maybe time travel will be coming to Longmeadow!
October 22, 1999
I FOUND MY THRILL When we moved to Longmeadow, our eldest child was entering kindergarten. After choosing a house, we were told that we were in the Blueberry Hill School District. When my dad found out, he started singing that old song from the 50s, "I Found My Thrill on Blueberry Hill."
BHS is a special place, and I feel fortunate to have my children attend such a welcoming place. Joanne Moore is the most visible principal that I have ever seen and she is always smiling. She knows everyones name and really tries to connect with each child. The teachers we have had have been wonderful and attentive, and Rachel enjoys going to school. That is what an educational experience should be.
The school was built in 1957 as the population of the town was expanding and moving eastward. The glaciers that formed the great river left the sandy soil. We are on high ground, but this land was under water ages ago. I recently met someone who remembers picking blueberries there on the hill. Unfortunately, some of the hilly slope was leveled on one side for the foundation of the school. The steepest part of what remains is the perfect spot for winter sledding with our kids. I wonder if this was the thrill, the songwriter could have imagined.
The structure of Blueberry Hill needs attention. Parents tend the garden, the PTO raised money for the playscape in the 1980s, yet the town has not invested money on improving the facility. Maintenance has been kept to the minimum. Very few changes have been made over the years, and the facility is not up to code. The upcoming town meeting on October 19 will address the towns overcrowding issue and you need to vote. You know how the art room was sacrificed. There is no extra room in the place! There are 44 new families in this elementary school district alone since last June. Most people moving here have kindergarten kids, as we did, hoping to settle into a community so the kids will grow up in one place. It is obvious to me that the citizens should stand behind our schools. Vote on October 19 for the school renovations. I will be thrilled if our students get the support they deserve.
October 14, 1999
As a community that prides itself on the excellence of its schools, the PTOs encourage wide support for the renovations needed, by residents young and old. A newly formed group, called The Friends of Longmeadow Public Schools, also asks for your vote in favor of the much-needed construction. The project proposed at the October 19 meeting is intended to preserve the quality of the Longmeadow Schools. Space, bricks and mortar are only the visible improvements. The real issue is this we must be ready for the academic demands of computer-age technology, the explosion of scientific knowledge and the reality of revised curriculums.
The case supporting the $18.3 million proposal is compelling, and you should vote YES. Population numbers are growing for children born in the last 9 years. Every single school we have for k-8 is filled to capacity or more. We lost one art room, and many reading areas and offices are in closets or make shift areas. Actually, we even have offices in halls, go and take a look! Yes, the High School has some room, but you cannot get state money to fix up a school building that has NOT exceeded existing space. The town has spent $979,600 during the past fiscal year alone on the building in improvements and deferred maintenance. In addition to $278,000 for new science labs and $250,000 for the track, doors and windows have been replaced; bathrooms and energy systems were updated. The town will continue to make changes to the High School structure as needed. The town must pay for these expenses because the state of Massachusetts would never reimburse us for this type of work.
Talk about higher taxes diverts us from the only economic choice that makes sense. We cannot afford to ruin our reputation. Are we a group of citizens that refuses to pay for a top-quality school?
Who are the people moving here? They come from far and wide to live near Springfield or Hartford. Some of them grew up here in the 1970s-80s and now have young children and have returned for that special brand of Western Massachusetts-style magic. Some lived in Boston, some in parts of NY/NJ or CT and decided those places are just too expensive now for families. Breadwinners for these young families may be professionals and many of them travel. The access to Bradley Airport is great, no traffic, no parking nightmares, no long lines, no Big Dig or Manhattan-metropolitan area madness!!!
Hey, this is a great place to live! It is safe, it is beautiful, and it is our home. Vote yes and support your kids or grandkids. If you are not a parent, it is your civic responsibility to maintain quality education for generations to come. We should consider the essential importance of extending a tradition of academic excellence into the future!
October 1999
MAMMOGRAM TIME October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a recent experience taught me, ALL Women MUST make sure that they are up-to-date on their mammograms!
My second mammogram, at the ripe old age of 40 was abnormal. The good news is that a sonogram showed benign cysts. Reality hit me when my doctor and my husband were discussing the case after the second test. They were both unaware that I was walking up behind them innocently listening to their words. They were upset and relieved because it could have been serious! After the initial visit, they had downplayed the situation so much that I just assumed that I was fine. My typical wishful thinking was at work again. My husband is a radiologist and he knows me so well that telling me the worse case scenario would have totally freaked me out! He saved me hours of distress and many sleepless nights by keeping me totally in the dark.
On Sunday, October 24, I will be marching in the RAYS OF HOPE walkathon, raising money to cure Breast Cancer. As a team captain, I am looking for marchers and people willing to pledge funds. Call me if you want to support the cause, my # is in the book. The march starts at 12:30 from Temple Beth El in Springfield, and the route goes through Forest Park and parts of Longmeadow.
Remember all women age 40 and over should have a mammogram every year. Standard insurance coverage should pay for it. I did not exactly look forward to being squished in that big machine, but the fear of the unknown was worse! My husbands cousin lost her breast at the age of 44 this summer, even though she had been diligent about being tested every year. She has three children ages 13, 10 and 7. Tell a woman you love to see her doctor now! I hope to hear from you if you want to march or make a donation!
September 30, 1999
Since the age of four, whenever anyone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would always answer the same way. "I want to be an artist!!!" Creativity is an important part of my life and I want my children to have the freedom of expression. Rachel, age 8, is always doing "projects." Her room is usually a mess, the basement art table is always full of supplies and artwork, but I dont care. We encourage both of our kids to develop that part of their individuality.
Over the years I have painted, drawn, sewed, and have taken many photographs. Stained glass design, oil painting, marbleized papermaking, photography and calligraphy are all of special interest to me. After completing an Art History Degree at Tufts, where I flirted with the idea of becoming an architect, I went to Manhattan. For eleven years, I worked in the art world with an art and antique auction company. I moved to this town for the school system and the loss of an art class is unacceptable to me. Academic subjects are a priority, but what will suffer next? How will our excellent music department survive? This town emphasizes sports, but what will happen if athletic activities are cut?
My deepest fear is that our children will be the ones to loose out when the adults of this town seem to ignore the importance of keeping the art room at Blueberry Hill School. Enrollment is up this year. Portable classrooms are an inevitability. The school population at BHS alone went from 270 to 310 over the summer and both of the other elementary schools are full! Families are moving to this town with young children. They are attracted to this town for its proximity to I-91 and for the reputation of the school system. Where will we put the kids?
Lesli Pechulis is the art teacher at Blueberry. With six years of teaching experience, it is her third year here. She has been evicted from her space. Leaving her full size classroom was hard, and now she works out of a storage closet and moves around with a cart. Class time is shortened because of transport time and the children do not have access to the same supplies as available in the classroom. Space and time to create will be limited. Our BHS children will not be able to do as much sculpture, and storage is a huge problem. It is disruptive to the regular classroom teachers to move desks to accommodate art activities. Carpeted classrooms are not appropriate for art class! There is not enough space in the closet for preparation, and I felt claustrophobic in the poorly ventilated space!
I met with Lesli and her main concern is the students. How long will it take the authorities to get her a portable classroom? Is the closet a permanent solution? We would all do well to learn from Lesli and take to heart the advice she gives our children: LISTEN, RESPECT, COOPERATE & WORK TOGETHER. I wonder when the School Committee will reach out to her and make her situation the best it can be. They should listen to her and listen to the parents. Can't we keep politics out of the art class?
September 23, 1999
DIG IT NOW Longmeadow in August is usually dead. There was an empty welcome for us when my husband, kids and I arrived here in 96. Our street was desolate and all our neighbors had vacated their homes for beachfront cottages and mountain retreats. Now, as a seasoned resident, I relish the fact that I can drop out of the rat race quite easily each summer. Cool autumn weather has arrived, there are acorns in the driveway, school has started and life is hectic again. There are many new people moving to town and it looks like the school overcrowding issue is indeed a reality. Wasnt anyone listening last spring???
There was some activity in town over the summer as far as construction goes. My four-year-old son has been especially interested in all the digging and the big yellow trucks at three locations. No more status quo! The fire department and the police department, as part of the new public safety complex, are receiving a 3.5 million $ face-lift. Bay Path College is adding a new student commons building and renovating the Fitness & Wellness Center, which should be completed in the Fall of 2000. My favorite project, dear to my heart is the new track. A grass-roots movement led by local hero Jessica Young is finally coming to fruition, thanks to her personal foresight. I agree, the 45+-year-old cinder track was dangerous and the work was long overdue!
With all this flurry of building activity around this small town, it is an exciting time to live here. Maybe Longmeadow is actually preparing for the 21st Century! It is about time! I have lived in New York, Boston, London, Cleveland and Louisville and based on this peripatetic life I can tell you in all honesty that this place was stuck in the past. Was this a time warp? Goods and services are out of date around Springfield. This area should become as dynamic and vibrant as the Northampton/Amherst area.
I am happy to see so much building activity but I do have a problem with the lack of support for the school renovations and additions. The failure of this town to acknowledge and believe the expanding needs of the growing student body is an embarrassment. Lets get together on this issue, look at the solutions the school committee plans to propose and prepare for change before the overcrowding is out of hand. Less than one week before opening, the principal of Blueberry Hill was forced to close the Art Classroom and add another kindergarten. People are moving here with children because of the school system and we should be one or two steps ahead of the trend. I would like to see trucks digging new additions at some of the schools soon. How long will I have to wait? Dig it!
September 16, 1999
COMING FULL CIRCLE And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
Were captive on the carousel of time
We cant return, we can only look behind
From where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game.Joni Mitchell, 1966
As summer comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on the cyclical nature of our lives. The season is over, yet we start another autumn and another school year. Now I am a parent and can relive my memories of school through my son and daughter. We move forward but we never know what mysteries lie ahead. No one can be sure exactly where we will wind up. The days seem a little shorter, there is a nice chill in the evening air and I look forward to sweater weather.
It has been a fine June, July and August and we will always remember the summer of 1999. It is the last of the century and memorable for simply being a milestone. Old friends presumed lost reappeared, and our family shared many special times. We rode the historic 1876 Flying Horses Carousel in Oak Bluffs, Marthas Vineyard as a family for the first time. It is one of the few brass-ring carousels left, so riding it is truly a game. I was reminded of the song The Circle Game.
When I was a child of seven, my grandparents took us to the carousel in Watch Hill, RI. That was in 1966 when Joni Mitchell was writing her song. That recollection of childhood is especially vivid because of the photographs from that sunny day. The merry-go-round at Rye Playland, in New York, was an annual event in the 60s and 70s. When I became a parent, my daughter and I would go to the Central Park Carousel in New York City to meet old friends. The joy in Rachels face is vivid in my mind and I will always remember her cute 2-year-old smile as she rode the wooden horse with a thrill.
In this area, we have enjoyed the restored merry-go-round in Holyoke at Heritage Park. It was saved, moved from Mountain Park and reopened in 1993. In the coming weeks we hope to travel south and across the river to the one in Bushnell Park in Hartford, CT.
The New York Times reported that there are 50 carousel-related Web sites. Why is there such a universal fascination with merry-go-rounds? I believe it is because we all try to re-capture the carefree days of our youth despite the fact that no one can keep the years of our lives from turning. The stories of our lives unfold each year. Our dreams change, we grow and strive to reach some important goals. We must try to appreciate what we have been given and treasure the experiences of our lives. Fulfillment in every area is not attainable, but each year we get a chance to start over again and learn valuable lessons. We may not understand why things happen for many seasons to come.
Listen to an old song; it will get you in touch with some memories you should not forget. If you get a chance, enjoy a ride on a carousel with your kids. We are destined to travel in circles and end up where we all began.
September 2, 1999
Sometimes our best intentions do not produce the expected results. Our intention was to get away from it all. Instead, we arrived at ground zero just as the reality of the tragedy became evident. We were witnesses to a sad chapter in history as it unfolded in a depressing way. What amazes me most is the bizarre timing. I had not been on the Vineyard, during the height of the summer season, since 1979. I was a 20-year-old college student at Tufts with a new camera. Now I am a 40-year-old Longmeadow wife and mother still viewing the world through the same viewfinder.
How could anything top the Princess Di accident? This triple death on a foggy night off Marthas Vineyard was a truly sad fate. Bad karma, bad timing and ultimately some kind of Kennedy luck turned bad.
Of course, I identify with Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg. Although I only saw her once on the streets of NYC, we have not met. We grew up together as I followed her life in pictures and on TV. We are both older sisters, yet I still have my beloved younger brother and she does not. My heart goes out to her.
I also identify with Carolyn Bessette Kennedy. She had an aversion to flying in her husbands plane, and she had some sort of intuition. I wish he had let her listen to her inner voice. Flying at night over Nantucket and the Vineyard is unpredictable, even for the most experienced pilots. Someone told me her grandfather has flown to the island for 50 years but will never fly at night. I can almost hear Carolyn scolding her husband in heaven. "Honey, you should have listened to me I was right."
Now the families must deal with losses so deep that it is almost impossible to imagine. This quote from the Longmeadow grave of Johnathan Burt is appropriate now. "How short, how precarious, how uncertain is life, how quick the transition from time to eternity, how soon the thread of life is spun, a breathing gasp, a groan or two, and we are seen no more, yet on this brittle thread of life hangs a vast eternity."
August 25, 1999
Every time a small plane goes by overhead, it is a deeply haunting feeling. When we arrived at the rental house near Edgartown, I immediately noticed the birds and heard the mourning doves. The grim reality of the three lost lives sinks in. No one is safe.
Young vibrant souls with big bright futures fell from the sky and sunk in the waters off Gay Head. We arrived yesterday, not knowing any news. The radio told me about the Kennedy curse continuing on Marthas Vineyard as I drove home with the groceries. We were on the island to relax and get away from it all now I felt we were in the middle of something spooky. The dense island fog shrouded the aircraft on its decent, masking the stars above and the island below.
I woke up to cool summer breezes rustling the trees and took a deep full breath. It was 6 a.m. and no time to doze. I intended to get the papers, buy the muffins, find a detailed map and escape the media circus. A black cotton dress seemed appropriate. Grabbing my old 35-mm camera with black and white film, I headed out.
The town was still sleepy, but for a few gruff old salty sailors down by the dock. Nothing was open til 6:30 so I wandered around with my camera looking at the sights I had missed so much. It felt so good to be away from the routine. It also felt good just to be alive
After running the errands, I stopped by the old burying ground. I saw stones dating from the early 1700s similar to those I have admired in Longmeadow. Death was an everyday occurrence in those years, and now we somehow expect each person to live into old age.
The people of Marthas Vineyard were solemn, waiting to sell those piles of newspapers to the swarming masses. I was able to enjoy a peaceful Sunday morning by waking early, and beating the rush. Now were off to a quiet beach to escape the crowds. And another plane flies overhead, as I sway on the back porch swing. Two birds fly above carefree and easy, oblivious to the tragedy below them.
August 18, 1999
A friend gave me her copy of "Reflections of Longmeadow 1783-1983" when she left town and moved closer to Boston. At the time, the book was out of print and I was thrilled to have it! There has recently been a second printing of this interesting history and the volume is available again. We should all thank local residents, Linda Rodger and Mary Rogeness for the excellent research they did!
As a relative newcomer to Western Massachusetts, I love picking up tidbits of local history because it gives me some perspective into how the Connecticut River Valley area evolved. I am originally from Westchester, New York and lived near the line between southern Connecticut and New York State. New England is a very special place and this town, with its colonial buildings and large green intact, has an amazing portion of its history preserved.
Did you know?
- The settlement of Springfield was originally called Agawam Plantation. People came west from Boston to start a trading post in 1636. In 1641, the name was changed to Springfield Plantation.
- In the 17th Century, the settlers of Springfield reported to Hartford as the seat of their colonial government. Boston was too far away, but this arrangement lasted for only three years.
- In 1704, 1705 and 1706 Longmeadow residents requested permission to build a church, but the request was "disaccepted" at the Springfield Town Meetings. In 1713, the General Court in Boston gave the permission needed.
- The precinct of Longmeadow existed from 1713 to 1783. Our ancestors were actually residents of the Town of Springfield during this time. Longmeadow was a 35 square mile area, which included parts of what are now Wilbraham, Hampden and East Longmeadow.
- In 1642, the borderline between Ct. and Mass. was set according to the Charter given to the colonies by England. Enfield, Somers, Woodstock and Suffield were within Springfield's boundary.
- In 1692, two Connecticut surveyors found that the original line was wrong! Later, in 1713, when there was still a dispute between Longmeadow and Enfield, the line was set where it is today dividing the states definitively.
- Finally in 1749, the British government decided that the four towns in question were in Connecticut. The Massachusetts Bay Colony and later the State of Massachusetts refused to accept that these towns had been removed from their jurisdiction. Tax bills were sent and unpaid until 1826 when the issue was forgotten.
- In 1783, this town was officially incorporated. It was suggested that the name of the town should be South Springfield. In 1812, Longmeadow wanted to take a new name. The town voted to change the name to Lisbon. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, this change could not occur because a Lisbon, Mass. already existed.
The book is a wealth of information. I will continue with Longmeadow trivia another time in the future. Until then, read the book yourself! It's available from the Historical Society and makes a great present. Contact The Longmeadow Historical Society c/o Storrs House at 697 Longmeadow Street, Longmeadow 01106 or call 413-567-3600.
June 1999
I have never seen it but I know its there. There is an invisible but very definite line between Massachusetts and Northern Connecticut that I experience every day. There is also a line, somewhere just west of Wooster that separates Western Massachusetts from the rest of the state. (But, that is another story.) As a resident of Longmeadow I live over the line!
State boundaries are obvious on maps. They are places were laws change, taxes differ and they are defined by different zip and area codes. Actually, state lines can also be boundaries between different states of mind. I grew up very close to the state line that separates Connecticut from New York and there the line was not so pronounced. When I spent a year in Louisville, Kentucky which borders Indiana, the local news referred to the region as the Kentuckiana area. As a new resident of this Commonwealth, I find this artificial disconnect between Massachusetts and Connecticut very frustrating.
In Longmeadow I can watch local Springfield News, but cannot get Boston News. The Springfield TV News as well as the Springfield papers report on Massachusetts's issues and rarely cover Connecticut issues. When we visited Hartford recently, for a weekend out-of-state, we bought the Hartford Courant. The paper hardly discussed Massachusetts topics (except the Patriots) and in an article listing at least 25 Hartford suburbs, not even one was in our state. Enfield, Suffield and Somers were all mentioned but that was when it hit me I am over the line! Does that mean that Enfield, Suffield and Somers are not suburbs of Springfield? When I tell neighbors about places nearby in Ct., some of them look a bit blank. Some loyal Massachusetts lovers would rather go North than go South.
From a historic point of view, each state is proud of the identity they have developed over the years. As members of New England, it is important to develop a stronger connection between the two areas, and not let Yankee stubbornness separate the states. If and when the Patriots' Stadium is a reality we will have even more of a reason to venture south. If the mayors of Springfield and Hartford work together in forging a stronger relationship, they may even create the twin cities of the Northeast, albeit in different states. I can see it all now: "Springfield and Hartford Redevelop the Connecticut Riverfront - Economies Boom!" Let's create Massachusicut or Connectichusetts.
June 1999
RECONCILIATION TIME Many people have been walking around with heavy hearts since early April. When the elementary schools did not get the support of the community on Election Day it really hurt. Time can heal the pain, but in order to fully recover we need to accept what happened so we can move on.
Several recent letters appeared on the subject in this paper and the Reminder. Thanks to Ronald Hastie, Linda Berg (a teacher), Fran Cress (PTO President), Jennifer Shapiro and Gene Cassidy (both School Committee Members) for dealing with their feelings and getting some issues off their chests. As Fran says, "GET OVER IT!!!" Many of us were in denial for weeks because we know the true state of the two schools in question. As the supplies are stacked up in the halls, and we sit on floors during performances we just have to shake our heads. The town should have had a unified goal: TO FIX THE SCHOOLS!
In retrospect, the all-or-nothing plan presented to the town was ill conceived. The project's cost and lack of options were at once alarming and frustrating to many of its critics. Now we have to start over within this crazy system. Our emotions can get in the way, so we must deal with the issues in a levelheaded manner. We should urge the School Committee to work on building a consensus for an appropriate and rapid plan of action. Get our priorities in order. What exactly does each school building need? Let wrap several buildings together, because in reality the high school attention just like the other buildings. Appropriations, Capitol Planning, the School Committee and the Selectmen had better start communicating or we will have to lock them all in a room, like a jury, until they reach common ground. Our educational reputation is a stake!
I guess this school year of 1999-2000 will be a turning point in many ways. Yes, we are dealing with a new century and a new millennium, but we are also in need of creating a new collective consciousness. What is our outlook for the future? Past mistakes are history and cannot be rewritten despite our fantasies to do so. If we have dreams for Longmeadow's future let us speak up now and participate in town meetings. We can no longer be in denial and suppress our feelings!
Maybe this town needs some emergency therapy! Proper psychoanalysis takes years to accomplish true progress, so we need a quicker form of treatment. Let's deal with the anger, the disappointment, the loss and the bitterness. Some of us feel cheated by the system - so let's change it! I regret that so much time was lost in this inefficient process.
When this colonial form of New England government was created, it was democratic and fair. Everyone had to attend the annual Town Meeting. Attendance is very low these days at any town meeting and it's too easy to be apathetic. I am a very optimistic person, so I refuse to give up on the town or it's school system. Maybe I should say that I do not plan to give up easily. Each of us must examine our values and motives. We need to come up with a real solution. In the meantime, let's do what I have been suggesting for the last year LET'S TALK!
June 10, 1999