Historic Homes of Longmeadow

655 Longmeadow Street (#21 The Thomas Bliss II House -1714)

A fine example of an early 18th century home, this house was built by Thomas Bliss ll. Although it is not known exactly when it was constructed, it is thought to date to about 1714. It is known that in 1758 it was purchased by Nathaniel Ely, who converted it to a tavern. Thus it remained until 1833 when it was again turned into a private home. In 1855 this house was moved to its present site from across the street to make way for construction of the "new" Ely mansion (#23). At that time its huge center chimney was removed and replaced by two smaller ones which extend as far up as the attic. There they converge so that only one chimney appears on the roof. In the late 1800's Dr. Lester Noble, a dentist, lived here. He was noted as one of the earliest physicians to experiment with anesthesia.

[Photo contributed by Rachel Port]
[Text reprinted with permission from The Historic Homes of Longmeadow
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